Luos's Free Noise Textures (for vfx)
68 noise textures (some merged) used for vfx.
6 merged noise textures.
22 noise gradient textures.
28 noise normal maps.
Paste-file for UE4 material setup
Image to setup UE4 Material
Examples on how to set the texture options in ue4
Youtube link to info:
Be sure to check out the ReadMe!
You are allowed to use these files in any project, commercial or not!
A thank you note in the credits is appreciated, but not needed.
You are not allowed to edit these images and/or resell them/give them away to others without my written permission.
In other words, used in a project: yes
Selling them as is: no.
Selling them edited: no.
Well.. you get the point :)
Cheers and take care!
Yoeri -Luos- Vleer